Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ho Ho Ho

Sidney & Jasper had a blast Christmas Eve. That's when they opened their presents from Santa. No colored shiny wrapping paper that could be toxic but brown paper bags. An old pro at shredding brown paper bags, Jasper was more than thrilled to show his little bro the finer technique. Pieces of brown paper decorated the entire living room floor. Sidney would play bow and dart past Jasper with brown paper dangling from his mouth. Such a tease. They loved the paper bags just as much as the toys. One was a santa whose head was a rattle and his body had 12 squeakers in it. The other one was a penguin with a santa hat that squeaks and opens up at the bottom so you could put a plastic bottle, squeaker, or paper inside. Of course Santa didn't forget the BULLY STICKS!

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