Monday, May 11, 2009

Oriole's Show N Go

Jasper knocked my socks off. His attitude and self confidence were phenomenal. In between exercises, I focused on using my voice to praise him and I had him do several tricks.

Last week I finished reading "That Winning Feeling" by Jan Savoie. She writes about motivational tools, goal setting , self talk, visualization, relaxation, affirmations, and attitude adjustments. It had a profound affect on me, my training, and Jasper. This week, I'll begin her second book "It's Not Just About The Ribbons".

I also came across a flower essence called Ego Builder. I used it on Jasper and myself one hour before we went into the ring. It works.

June 6th and 7th, Jasper and I will be showing in obedience at Wilmington Kennel Club's Indoor Show. We'll be entering the Open A Class. I'm so psyched. I now have the tools to deal with ring nerves for him and myself.

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