Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sidney's First Road Trip

 On the 21st of December, my Aunt Vicky celebrated her 90th birthday at Bob's Inn in Murrysville. We all survived the 6 hour trek to Pittsburgh. Burr, the temperature was in the low teens. Sidney was a real trooper. He was a perfect angel: quiet during the car ride and behaved perfectly in the hotel room. Jasper is an old pro at traveling and he loves to show his little brother the ropes. 

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Good News

I'm thrilled. The pathology report concerning Jasper's growth on the back of his neck, side of his neck, and palate are not cancer. His teeth and gums are healing nicely. Now I need to maintain good oral health. So twice a day I'll be spraying Vetzlife into Jasper's mouth to keep the plaque at bay. I'll continue to put Oxyfresh into his drinking water.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where's The Teeth

Jasper had dental surgery on Dec. 4th. A total of 6 teeth were removed. It hasn't affected his appetite. He lives for food. He also had two growths removed from his neck and one from his palette. They were sent off to pathology and I'm waiting for results. Thankfully he has pain meds to help him cope. His little brother, Sidney, doesn't understand. Sidney just wants to play with him.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pugs & Buns Enrich My LIfe

Today thinking about Bailey. Remembering his special qualities: Best Kisser, lived to please me, excited about training, loved me with his entire being, easy to train, a blast to be with, comical, gentle spirit, loved people, an exuberance for life, a superb companion, best buddy to Jasper, and never a mean bone in his body. Just watch how gentle he is with the bunnies. Follow the link Snack Time For Pugs & Buns to view this special friendship.